alone in a crowd

you have a thousand friends but you call me. and i'm not even your friend.. now thats just sad.


jag kommer inte kräva dig på pengar. jag skiter i vad du har för jobb eller vad du tjänar. jag vill inte bo i din lägenhet.  jag kommer inte ringa å säga att jag är på smällen med din unge. 
jag är en vanlig tjej som vill träffa nån, nån å dela grejer med, ha kul med, chilla med, ligga med, gräla med. sånt vanligt. sen går du hem till ditt ställe å jag stannar här. ibland sover du över.
du ska bara ha jävligt klart för dig att jag har ett eget liv men du behöver inte oroa dig heller, för jag finns här.

relationally challenged

I'm like totally mentally challenged when it comes to relationships. I obviously don't have a problem starting them, but when it comes to taking it to the next step it just fucks up. I met someone and we like got together five times a week and everything was so great but then all of a sudden it all changed. All my nerves was like out there, sensing every tone and of course I thought everything felt different and he totally behaved different. Or did he? 
Like I seriously need to think about how I AM acting cos I think I have a tendency of changing into a cold bitch. But that actually means I like you. When I'm like all jokes and fun - I don't really care about you yet, but I want you to care about me. But then I get all awkward, say aaall the wrong things and seem fucked up - that's partially cos I am but also bcos I'm getting feelings for you.
How do you quiiiiiit this behaviour cos I am seriously so sick of myself!!!! Where are you prince charming that gets me and sees beyond all the crap?! 
"you can't always get what you want....but if you try sometimes you might find you get what you need..."
Also - you have this year, bcos of special circumstances, to smoke - but that is it you hear me - THAT'S IT!
No more. It is sooo bad for you. And if you could possibly quit before that - that would be awesome!
Could we make a deal - you start with a substitute end of the month and see how it goes? You may smoke at work a couple of times a day but no more ok?! This is for your own good!
Now focus on these kinds of things - movies, writing, music, dancing, work!! <3

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