the curse of a smug girl
"For as far back as I can remember there was always something wrong. Despite being brought up in an ordinary, loving, middle-class family, all my life I sensed I was missing a piece of myself. It knocked me off balance; I was for ever out of step with the rest of the world and I never felt 'normal'. Instead I watched other people being effortlessly 'normal' and tried to copy them, like a foreigner blending in by aping local customs.
I was afraid of everything - dogs, boys, being late for school, havin my photo taken (I hated myself, I thought I was the ugliest thing on the planet)."
Jag behövde ett slag på käften för att komma i rätt balans. Jag fick det.
I was afraid of everything - dogs, boys, being late for school, havin my photo taken (I hated myself, I thought I was the ugliest thing on the planet)."
Jag behövde ett slag på käften för att komma i rätt balans. Jag fick det.