and ive gotten to u again.
wots this we playin at?
it feels fuckin fab but we both
no' were 2 fucked up people..
n weve hurt each other just 2 many times b4.
i dont no' where we goin wit this but im not gonna fall..
just yet.
now is the time
"u will never be this young again so why wait? Break free."
very true indeed.
but why cant i break free?
its not like i havent tried.
it just seems to keep haunting me
and infecting everything i do
and im sick of it.
i want to vomit it up and make it all go away
or like in eternal sunshine of the spotless mind.
just erase wotever happened in the past
thatve made me as fucked up as ive gotten.
and once again the words
u dont know wot u got til its gone
echoes in my head.
how come i never get to keep wot i really cherish?
how do i always tend to fuck it up?
why am i never the one thats worth it?
i want to be that one for once
and i want it to be mutual.
why do some tend to never let me go
why dont they just get the point -
leave me be.
they make me feel ashamed.
ashamed about them.
ashamed about me.
ashamed about my past.
i want to move on.
create a future witout all these problems.
let go of everything that used to be.
and now is the time.
it has been for too long now..
What I want from u is to let go.
That is also what I want from me.
Start a new.
Let go of people that doesnt really do anythin for me.
It's not dangerous to be on ur own sometimes.
I want to be able to say 'no' without being called a grumpy bitch.
That's not what its about.
It's about how u make me feel. I don't have no hard feelings.
Just hear me when I tell u u're redundant. A pebble in my shoe.
A fucking waste of time.
Some has made up their mind about u, and totally misunderstood ur entire being.
So what's the point really to try n make them change their mind about u.
Does it really make a difference?
Cos the problem isnt really urs. Its theirs.
We all have a choice to take the lead or follow.
Speak ur mind and hear people out.